Will You Be Able to Drink Coffee After Having a Tooth Removed?

July 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nelsondentalcare @ 8:43 pm
Cup of coffee next to some coffee beans

If you just had a tooth extraction, you probably want to get back to your regular activities as soon as possible. For many people, this may include enjoying a cup of coffee – but is this such a good idea? You already know that there are certain things you will need to avoid doing while your mouth is recovering. Is drinking coffee on that list? Here’s what tooth extraction patients need to know.

Is Drinking Coffee After a Tooth Extraction a Good Idea?

The fact of the matter is that once you have had a tooth removed, you will need to avoid hot beverages for a while; naturally, this includes coffee. A tooth extraction leaves the nerve endings in your mouth more vulnerable than normal. Consequently, drinking anything hot is likely to lead to a lot of pain.

Furthermore, coffee and other hot beverages are known to increase the risk of a dry socket. This is a condition that occurs when a blood clot either becomes dislodged from the extraction site or fails to form at all. Not only can a dry socket lead to significant discomfort, but it can also cause the healing process to take longer than it would have otherwise.

When Can You Drink Coffee Again?

It will take a while for your mouth to recover to the point where you can drink hot beverages without issue again. Generally speaking, it’s recommended that you wait at least five days before brewing some coffee. Even then, you should make a point of drinking it in small amounts. After about two weeks, it should be safe for you to return to your normal coffee habits.

What Can You Drink After a Tooth Extraction?

Water should be your beverage of choice after a tooth extraction. Your body needs to stay hydrated for a successful healing process. Additionally, the water will help rinse away bacteria in your mouth, thus reducing your risk for infection.

Keep in mind, though, that you should not drink your water through a straw. This is because using a straw results in suction that could end up dislodging your blood clot. It’s better to drink the water directly out of the glass.

The idea of having to stay away from coffee and other hot beverages isn’t a fun one, but it’s necessary if you want to avoid complications while healing. Rest assured that if you maintain the right habits after your tooth extraction, you’ll get through the recovery process all the sooner, and it won’t be too long before you’re enjoying coffee again!

About the Author

Dr. James Nelson went to the LSU School of Dentistry in New Orleans for his Doctor of Dental Surgery, and he has spent time studying at the Spear Institute in order to expand the number of services that he’s able to offer his patients. If you need a tooth extraction, he’ll make sure the procedure is as comfortable as possible. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Nelson at Nelson Dental Care in Metairie, visit his website or call (504) 887-3311.